Impotence is one of the biggest problems in today's bedroom environment. Once though to be a condition restricted to older or sickly men, impotence is today a common sight among men in their 30s and 40s. A successful performance record in bed is one of the key elements of confidence in men and potentially crucial to psychological well-being. Most men are entrenched in their views of what makes a successful man and also in maintaining the appearances at all costs. This is why only a small part of those suffering from impotence seek professional help. This reluctance to admit one's problems means that some of the lighter cases, which could actually be treated, are never brought before a doctor.
The three major causes of impotence are physical, psychological and lifestyle-related. Most cases are caused by physical and psychological factors, Download Penis Enlargement DVDs but it is less known that lifestyle choices serve to worsen impotence in certain cases. The use and abuse of substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, heroine, cocaine and steroids, is many times instrumental in aggravating impotence. Next come obesity and a "couch potato" lifestyle. A good sex life requires a well nourished and fit body that can stand the effort. Frequent exercising should be part of every lifestyle, while a balanced diet has never hurt anyone.
Penis enlargement pills, patches or devices could also help solve the milder cases of impotence. Products such as ProSolution Pills, Volume Pills or Size Genetics are well known for their proven penis enlargement results and have also been successfully used by men suffering from sexual dysfunctions. These excellent products can help men achieve and maintain the erection required for sex. In turn this will generate a positive reinforcement cycle at the psychological level and a change in mindset that could well lead to a successful treatment.
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