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How Big Can I Make My Penis? Male Enhancement Before And After Revealed By Amos Amsterdam

Updated: Nov 24, 2018

male enhancement before and after .In this article we are going to examine the different realistic elements of the penis enlargement process. Many men approach this without having any real goals, or information about what is reasonable, or not as part and parcel of improving their anatomies. Having a firm grasp of male enhancement before and after, is crucially important to actually ACHIEVING what it is that you most desire, as you simply NEED to begin with end in mind. What does this mean you ask? It's quite simple. Just like in any other area of self improvement, if you don't know what success LOOKS like, you have no real way of getting it. Or at least the kind of success that I'd like to see you have. So read on as we cover expectations and how to measure progress in very real ways. (no pun intended..:-)

The Law of Averages

Obviously we are going to need to start with some numbers. (which hopefully you've already done) The average penis size, lengthwise, according to most accepted consesus figures, is 5.1-5.9 inches in an erect state. Similarly, the cirucumfrence comes in at 4.85 inches measured the exact same way. So one of the VERY important first steps to the before and after evaluation is to make SURE you still feel small after facing the facts. Many men simply FEEL to small, whereas in real life are actually just below, or at the average size overall .

How to Process Your Size Gains

Again, this comes down to simple math, and percentage figures. If you aim to add one or two inches in total to your anatomy, you have to look at it relative to your starting size. Many programs boast HUGE gains for many of their adherents on a percentage basis, and of course this is great and well deserved. However, if the majority of their practitioners were exceptionally small to being with, a growth of just an inch or two would be VERY significant on the percentage scale...whereas for a larger group of men, it wouldn't look quite as impressive cumulatively.

Of course, ANY gains are great when you just starting out. And you SHOULD certainly expect and work towards finding yourself worthy of one of those "before and after" anonymous photo galleries showcasing your hard work! Just remember, the key is, in my humble experience, simply strive for your OWN personal and persistent best, and don't worry about what other people have done. You will be MUCH happier with the results, I promise!

And remember, with our modern day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how - to systematically improve, build and increase penis size and do it quickly.

The need for creams, hanging weights and other esoteric methods are not only strange and potentially dangerous - they are also finally completely obsolete and unnecessary.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your me, they won't be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations you can make, everyday can yield a RADICAL shift in your penis size without the worry I did...and it was the best decision I ever made!

Top Way To Permanently make penile bigger At Home - Using Just Your Hands And You Can Start Today.

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If you want a larger penis then check out my top rated list in the Penis Enlargement Exercise section of this website

If you want a larger penis then check out my top rated list in the Penis Enlargement Device section of this website

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Volume Pills Review -Do volume pills work and their side and effect

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If you want a thicker penis then check out my top rated list in the Penis Pumps section of this website

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