If you want to increase the length and width of your penis, then you will want to perform penis enlargement exercises.
Penis enlargement exercises are the preferred method of penis enlargement and you should know that it's the best option available to you in terms of effectiveness.
Check out in bottom of this article to download Excercise
It took me a while to find out what the best method of penis enlargement is. When I first got started out, I needed a way to satisfy my girlfriend at the time because I desperately needed to do so.
I purchased a pack of pills and was hoping that it would increase my size, but all it did was helped with my erections.
There are pills that you can buy at your local pharmacy that cost less than $20 that do the same thing as the pills on the market today.
Stay away from pills because all they do is increase the amount of blood flow to your penis. If you want to increase your size, there's a penis enlargement exercise that you can do that has been proven to work time and time again.
This exercise is known as "jelqing", and you can use it today to start increasing your penis size today.
Here's how to do the jelq technique.
1) Get out Vaseline or baby oil
Vaseline or baby oil is necessary if you want to do this technique properly. It's necessary because you will be doing some rubbing on the skin of your penis, and you need a smooth surface so that you don't cause any injury. So properly apply this to your penis before you get started. Here's step 2.
2) Massage yourself to a semi-hard erection
You don't want to do this exercise while you're fully soft or fully erect - you want to get it just in between. This will help to properly jelq your penis and push blood into the cell chambers in the penis.
3) Use your thumb and index finger
You will want to use your thumb and index finger to make an "ok" sign around the base of your penis. Gradually work your way up towards the head of your penis and when you reach the top, do the same thing with your other hand.
Do this about 20 times and call it a wrap for the day. This is all you need to do to increase your penis size.
Good luck with trying to increase your penis size.
Use 100% proven method to increase your penis size Download Penis Enlargement Exercises . Watch this video WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a weeks time : Attention How to Increase penis sizes
Top Way To Permanently make penile bigger At Home - Using Just Your Hands And You Can Start Today.
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