Are you desperate to please your woman better in bed but is still doubtful about joining the bandwagon in using male enhancement pills? Then male enhancement exercise is your best bet.
Read on because we compiled all the possible male enhancement exercises and techniques that could help enlarge your penis size and your self-confidence. Try any one that strikes your fancy or try them all! At least they are natural and you will not experience any side effects.
Based on out research, we learned that every type of male enhancement exercise works in enlarging the penis in various ways. Some of these exercises that you could try are listed below:
Jelqing. This exercise requires the basic movement of moving your hand up and down the length of your penis, which is then expected to grow larger after a period of time. It is said to be working specifically on the Corpora Covernosa's size, which in essence, dictates your penis size. The technique is said to have been used by nomadic Arab tribes.
Kegel. Kegel exercises are focused on toning the pubobobbygeus muscle or more commonly called as the PC muscle. Training this muscle is believed to help a man prolong his erection. The exercise was developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940s. The exercise was first designed for women but is highly prescribed to men these days.
Penis Stretching. The driving concept of this form of male enhancement exercise is, of course, stretching the tissue of your penis, which is called the Tunica. The objective of the exercise is to lengthen the soft tissue and the penile suspensory ligaments using gentle exercises. It applies pressure to the Tunica, the thick tissue surrounding the blood-filled Corpus Cavernosa, to make it longer. This exercise is believed to grow your penis' length and girth by up to 3 inches.
Pelvic Floor Exercises. Studies showed that pelvic floor exercises helped a group of men suffering from erectile dysfunction improved their sexual performances. Most of the men included in the experiment had impotency problems, some of them cannot stay up for more than 30 seconds. After performing 30 minutes of pelvic exercises daily, the men noted that they could now stay erect up to five times longer than usual.
Hanging. Now this is an ancient technique that is no longer recommended today. It calls for hanging a weight by a strap or rope to the penis and suspend the object for a period of time. It aims to stretch various penis tissues.
Penis pumps are also used to assist penis enlargement. These are cylindrical devices attached to the male organ that creates vacuum to draw blood into the penis. They could either be electrical or manual. However, the use of penis pumps is not highly recommended.
There are several outfits online that offer male enhancement exercise programs. Such programs usually recommend taking male enhancement pills while undergoing the program to quicken and maximize the effects of the exercise.
Ready to fix your erectile dysfunction problems today for good safely? We have the best Male Enhancement Exercise and real solutions to becoming bigger and having the best sex of your life. Don't let your age control your sex life. Go to to learn how to fix your problem for FREE today!
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